01536 261431 mail@carmichael-eng.co.uk
01536 261431 mail@carmichael-eng.co.uk
Our team of service engineers have a wealth of experience on the CAM range of machinery. They are available to support your own engineers whether it be on change overs, fault finding, routine maintenance or upgrades to the machinery.
Should you require engineering cover for your packaging machines due to staff sickness, holidays or just require additional backup for a short period of time, our engineers are very experienced in the packaging industry and can adapt quickly to minimise your downtime and keep your machines operating to meet production demands.
Our Training packages can be tailored to suit our customers individual needs, we are able to provide training on all our equipment to a variety of levels, for all personnel whether operators, setters or mechanical and electrical engineers;
Training can be performed on your premises or at our facility based in Corby, whichever best suits your requirements. We have a well-equipped workshop and conference facilities and will provide certification for any personnel completing one of our training packages.
Your first port of call if an issue arises would be to telephone our offices to speak to one of our experienced engineers. A large proportion of issues can be resolved over the phone due to our extensive knowledge and experience of the equipment.